Category: Shipco Weekly

Shipco Weekly

Supply Chain Disruptions During Peak Season and How to Mitigate Them

Peak season for container shipping typically kicks off around late August and goes full throttle until November, followed by a shorter second peak season in January to February. Both periods are marked by an intense period of shipping activity. Early holiday shopping preparations are what sets the first peak in motion. To fulfil increased consumer

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Shipco Weekly

ILWU, PMA Agree on Manning Deal for non-Automated LA-LB Terminals

Local 13 of the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) and the Pacific Maritime Association (PMA), which represents terminal operators and shipping lines, have come to an agreement involving manning requirements for cargo-handling equipment at conventional container terminals in Los Angeles-Long Beach, sources report. With this development, a major hurdle has been overcome as it

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Shipco Weekly

U.S.-China Tensions Add to Global Trade Shifts

Political tensions between the U.S. and China are contributing to lower container shipments between the world’s two largest economies, on top of an already-underway reshaping of global trade, according to a major shipping industry boss.  “We are seeing a de-leveraging of trade between the U.S. and China,” Jeremy Nixon, chief executive officer of Ocean Network

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